Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This blog is dead.


:( I don't think I should own a blog

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


What am I doing geog EOYs are tmr and I'm blogging ._.

Just to let you guys know that this crappy blog will be abandoned soon. I'll inform you when the new blog comes up. Cheers esp to RI guys for eoys. :D

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

such a rosy picture

When I chose to come to RI two years ago, I really didn't expect to get the kind of class I am in today.

Elites and the lower classes. Rivalry. Hate.

Shit, hate.

I don't see why we can't just ignore the people who annoy us. I don't see why we can't just ignore people if we don't like them for who they are.

Or maybe that's because I have a very long fuse.

Perhaps hate is something I will never understand. People are people, and it's much easier to accept who they are than to quarrel with them over personal standards they may or may not be able to reach.


Aside from class politics, I really really really can't wait for sec 3. D: Archery...new people (wtf)...LONG PANTS holy crap I need those ._. and quicker access to RJ lol.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why must we hate?

That's right, I had to get an untimely reminder somewhere to post again. :D

Life's been getting more hectic as exams draw closer. >< Projects cca and other stuff have kept me occupied throughout what they call "holidays".

Now take a look at this.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

*looks at previous previous post*

Woah. O.O

Don't be quick to envy me, a friend or anyone else for that matter because there is much you have yet to know about them.

Oh, and Epica rules.
My dad doesn't even remember how old I am.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Well it's been ages since I posted. thanks to DElia for reminding me on this. :P

Lately with yet another visit of my dad I haven't been able to watch TV on weekdays. Which plain sucks. Then again, I've been doing my homework and filing consistenly lately, which is unusual for a person like me. :P

I could add more, but I don't fee like it.

A few days ago I took a typing speed test. I got something like 50-odd wpm. I stink in comparison to a lot of other people. :D

School's been hectic lately. Just the second week and I'm getting worksheets and a composition. :s I still haven't exploded from stress yet, but it may happen. Who knows? :P