Saturday, September 29, 2007

Woot! =D

I got my new computer's internet up and running today =D Absolutely no lag, which means I can listen to imeem/youtube while playing RS! Yay! =)

Then again, I still got a load of stuff to download. But oh well =/


Monday, September 24, 2007


Argh! Can't take it anymore! Must type in proper english!!!


I learned that lack of sunlight in the class can make me very sleepy.

We had a live firing session in class yesterday, or more specifically throwing a dismantled floppy disk around. Fun =D

Ratted on Kester and Justing for playing Maple during computer studies, but I doubt the teacher did anything about it. -.-

This guy called Ben asked me to tag him. Dunno why, but oh well =/


Wednesday, September 12, 2007



during pe today i tried to tag sudeep. problem is, my fingers went in his back pocket by mistake. and he started running >.<

so far using a mouse typing opening my bag reachng into my pocket going to the toilet is painful...ouch.

hope i get better by friday for se concert...wish me luck >_<

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


my wounds from sunday's fall are making good progress. walking is painful.

sitting next to shorya in our new seating arrangement. front row, crud =(

bleh. =P can't think of anything to write...again. >.<

Saturday, September 8, 2007


uh...nothing much today. Got jelli jr started on wc, so far i think 37wc. muted a few nubs today, blah blah blah, nothing really special. -.-

school starts on monday =( sob.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


nothing much today...boring. mom let me play rs for an hour, during which i lvled my new account's range and def to 30.

theres been a new pmod-only update, but its confidential. honestly when i saw the announcement i started jumping for joy. :) yay.

tmr going lanning and bbqing with mi cca. hope they have compies at the lan centre :D cant wait.

~*sparks will fly*~