Monday, October 15, 2007


Sigh. Exams might be over, but I recently learned that that is not necessarily a good thing.

A nice JPop song I came across, again by Nami Tamaki, It might be in my playlist already. =|

Got to combat 73 in runescape, Sal's clan chat pretty much kept me from dying of boredom during the massacre of zombie after zombie. Almost 62 strength.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Haven't blogged in a while...mugging for the EOYs. >.<

Eng and chinese exams are over. The HCL comprehension was so freaking hard!! ='( Apart rom that, nothing really horrible thoug.

History EOY tomorrow, been mugging* like mad lately. o_O Hope I don't screw myself over like I did so many times before. =(

Wish me luck. =(

To those of you from Sal's who don't understand RI slang, 'mugging' means revising like crap. =|