Monday, December 3, 2007


Thanks to Delia for reminding me about my blog. :P

I've moved from Runescape for a while to play a game called O2Jam, a music-based game. Cheesy names and cheesier graphics, but it's pretty fun.

That aside, I'm starting to take an interest in going downstairs again. Last night me and some other kids played Virus (shortly thereafter I found several squished insects on my right leg) followed by a card game known as 'Murderer'.

My mom hasn't had any luck looking for that dartboard my cousin has. =/

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Eh, haven't posted in a while. :/

The recent String Ensemble concert went pretty well, with the only hiccup being me having to borrow black socks from another member who had already performed. :P

CCA camp starts in 2 days. Gotta start packing...

Just hit 65 strength and 77 combat. Things are going more or less pretty smoothly. ^_^


Monday, October 15, 2007


Sigh. Exams might be over, but I recently learned that that is not necessarily a good thing.

A nice JPop song I came across, again by Nami Tamaki, It might be in my playlist already. =|

Got to combat 73 in runescape, Sal's clan chat pretty much kept me from dying of boredom during the massacre of zombie after zombie. Almost 62 strength.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Haven't blogged in a while...mugging for the EOYs. >.<

Eng and chinese exams are over. The HCL comprehension was so freaking hard!! ='( Apart rom that, nothing really horrible thoug.

History EOY tomorrow, been mugging* like mad lately. o_O Hope I don't screw myself over like I did so many times before. =(

Wish me luck. =(

To those of you from Sal's who don't understand RI slang, 'mugging' means revising like crap. =|

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Woot! =D

I got my new computer's internet up and running today =D Absolutely no lag, which means I can listen to imeem/youtube while playing RS! Yay! =)

Then again, I still got a load of stuff to download. But oh well =/


Monday, September 24, 2007


Argh! Can't take it anymore! Must type in proper english!!!


I learned that lack of sunlight in the class can make me very sleepy.

We had a live firing session in class yesterday, or more specifically throwing a dismantled floppy disk around. Fun =D

Ratted on Kester and Justing for playing Maple during computer studies, but I doubt the teacher did anything about it. -.-

This guy called Ben asked me to tag him. Dunno why, but oh well =/


Wednesday, September 12, 2007



during pe today i tried to tag sudeep. problem is, my fingers went in his back pocket by mistake. and he started running >.<

so far using a mouse typing opening my bag reachng into my pocket going to the toilet is painful...ouch.

hope i get better by friday for se concert...wish me luck >_<

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


my wounds from sunday's fall are making good progress. walking is painful.

sitting next to shorya in our new seating arrangement. front row, crud =(

bleh. =P can't think of anything to write...again. >.<

Saturday, September 8, 2007


uh...nothing much today. Got jelli jr started on wc, so far i think 37wc. muted a few nubs today, blah blah blah, nothing really special. -.-

school starts on monday =( sob.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


nothing much today...boring. mom let me play rs for an hour, during which i lvled my new account's range and def to 30.

theres been a new pmod-only update, but its confidential. honestly when i saw the announcement i started jumping for joy. :) yay.

tmr going lanning and bbqing with mi cca. hope they have compies at the lan centre :D cant wait.

~*sparks will fly*~

Friday, August 31, 2007


today i found a song I really like.

my chemical romance - the black parade

Link to music vid on youtube

beware:those who havent heard it yet, turn down your volume because the song is quite loud.

as for RS matters, Jelli Jr finally bought the 1k airs and minds he needed to level his magic. yay =D

nhps soccer match today was pretty screwed. people (yes even the hci people) didnt seem to be getting any better. i ended up watching marcus play o2jam on his laptop and then thrashed him at a round of ssb. nobody dared to challenge me after seeing my ub3r l33t skills >=)

today was a good day. =)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

today jonathan had military band, so i didnt stay back in school to watch movie today. =|

received a letter from my 'pen pal' today. i intend to reply to (gender) tonight or maybe tomorrow night. hope i dont ruin my letter like the last one =p

nothing special occured today, with the exception of me finding out that there are actually 3 drawers that i can hide in. they seem to be getting smaller. or maybe im just growing -.-"

just finished chionging philo assignment. now listening to nami tamaki's sanctuary(will later add to playlist).

will update playlist with more songs 18er. bai.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Got my cbox up and running and added an imeem playlist. new but lousy template.

2nd post

another day, another time i have to think of something to post.

geog test was quite easy today, though i got momentarily stuck on a few questions. apart from that the rest still okay.

i screwed myself over at oral comm and didnt manage to get my turn after a brief explanation (sshhh). in the end i didnt have to present yay :D

assembly was boring. the first presenter had a pigtail XD wonder why.

eehhh...cant think of anything else...

have been unsuccessfully trying to put up a cbox and an imeem playlist. ill continue trying.

Monday, August 27, 2007

first post bleh

well, first post. i havent had the patience to keep up my 2 previous blogs, so here goes =/

timeline today:

12am: Sleeping. sleep2.gif
7am: Mom wakes me up.
7-7.15am: Mom continues to wake me up, then goes jogging with her friends.
8.30am: I wake up.
8.32am: I goggle at the clock to see how freaking late I am and get changed.
8.34am: I eat breakfast.
8:37am: I pick up my violin and sling bag and head downstairs to wait for a taxi.
9am: Still waiting. Crap.
9.15am: Still waiting...
9.30am: Figuring it's better to miss this rehearsal and hope my conductor forgets about it on friday than to go and have the conductor yell at me, I go home and switch on the computer.
9.33am: My mom comes home and orders me to get back to school. I book a taxi.
9:35am: My taxi arrives.
10am: I arrive at school. My conductor doesn't y3ll @7 m3 z0mg!!!!!!!!!!1
12.40pm: Dismissal.
1.30pm: Arrive home, play RS for a while.
4pm: Mom arrives.
8.45pm: I decide to make a blog on Sal's.
9.51pm: I choke on water.
9.52pm: I am typing this.
9:53pm: Realise I haven't thought of my english impromptu speech yet. Oh sh*t

I am a living example of murphy's law. =( help