Monday, August 27, 2007

first post bleh

well, first post. i havent had the patience to keep up my 2 previous blogs, so here goes =/

timeline today:

12am: Sleeping. sleep2.gif
7am: Mom wakes me up.
7-7.15am: Mom continues to wake me up, then goes jogging with her friends.
8.30am: I wake up.
8.32am: I goggle at the clock to see how freaking late I am and get changed.
8.34am: I eat breakfast.
8:37am: I pick up my violin and sling bag and head downstairs to wait for a taxi.
9am: Still waiting. Crap.
9.15am: Still waiting...
9.30am: Figuring it's better to miss this rehearsal and hope my conductor forgets about it on friday than to go and have the conductor yell at me, I go home and switch on the computer.
9.33am: My mom comes home and orders me to get back to school. I book a taxi.
9:35am: My taxi arrives.
10am: I arrive at school. My conductor doesn't y3ll @7 m3 z0mg!!!!!!!!!!1
12.40pm: Dismissal.
1.30pm: Arrive home, play RS for a while.
4pm: Mom arrives.
8.45pm: I decide to make a blog on Sal's.
9.51pm: I choke on water.
9.52pm: I am typing this.
9:53pm: Realise I haven't thought of my english impromptu speech yet. Oh sh*t

I am a living example of murphy's law. =( help

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